Internet marketing systems for New Zealand service businesses
In 2011 I started Marketing Geek to help local businesses get more clients. I focused on service businesses which means I've helped plumbers, real estate agencies, hair dressers, IT services, dentists, arborists and more.
These days most my time is spent developing software (mostly for small and SaaS and startups), but I still have a few special clients from the early days.
If the project is just right for me, I might be able to help you market your business online.
Contact me if you have something to discuss.

Get More Business
Most kiwis use the internet. We’re using it more and more on our mobile phones. We search for local businesses. We buy over the internet, and we use the internet to decide who we’re going to use for services.
The Problem For Service Business
We have a disappointing reality. Most kiwi service businesses are not getting good results from the internet. Very frequently a website is just a cost that does nothing for them.
They get very few people visiting the website and even fewer of them turning into clients.
Websites should turn a profit. Like all marketing, it’s only there to make money.
Why Websites Fail To Get Business
They fail because they don’t have a marketing system; they’re just web pages that look nice. On its own a website won’t bring in new business.
Websites are just one cog in the wheel of internet marketing. There are important steps that come before and after a website. They need promotion to get a steady stream of prospects coming in. The website itself has to be optimised to convert those clients into prospects.
Getting New Clients
Service businesses need different marketing than product based businesses. The old “add to cart” button doesn’t work. A service isn’t a box of stuff that someone can pick up and buy. Your clients are buying your skills, your reputation, your trust, your expertise. On a deeper level they’re buying the benefits your service offers. And at the deepest level they’re buying the emotional rewards that having your service ultimately means.
A marketing system built on this basis will bring in more business and deliver the bottom line results that a lonely website cannot.